Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Barbie + Shaving Cream = One Crappy Christmas

Christmas wasn't really that great for me. I did the usual things that I do every year. I got to see my relatives whom I haven't seen for a long time, so that was good. Other than that, Christmas was freakin' lame.

Doesn't it feel like Christmas isn't how it used to be? I know times are changing but shouldn't Christmas be an exemption? It should be the only thing in this world that is resistant to change.

Somehow, kids are under the impression that Christmas is all about getting gifts and making a quick buck or two. Now that's just wrong. My nieces see this time of the year as an opportunistic season where they get the things they want – and go ballistic when they don't. I gave a Barbie doll to one of my nieces and she scolded me for not being able to buy the right one. How should I know that they came in different kinds? I was never fond of that piece of trash to begin with. I never knew my sister raised her kids to become such brats.

The food was also terrible. My mom, however, cooked our meal so no one's complaining. We're just happy that she's there with us this holiday season. She used to spend it with her side of the family in Hawaii. This time she decided to spend it here with us.

In my opinion, that's the real essence of Christmas; being with your family and spending this time together. It was never about that blonde, plastic doll of unvalued importance. I had to fake my way through the yuletide season. Giving away gifts to ungrateful leeches just made me think about better ways I could have spent all that money I used to shop for presents.

Speaking of presents, why can't people give you gifts that you could actually use? Not that I'm being materialistic or anything like that, it's just that I'm a practical person. I don't like receiving things that couldn't be used. Or they could've at least thought about me while buying the gift. I swear to God, sometimes I feel like people these days are randomly grabbing items at the store to hand out to me as gifts. I can only imagine how this went down...

My friend: Miss, where can I find the expensive perfumes section?

Girl at store: It's at the aisle farthest from where were standing.

My friend: There's no way I'm walking that long. Just give me a box of (points to the box next to her)... whatever that thing is.

Girl at store: That's a box of shaving cream, ma'am.

My friend: Perfect. I'll just give it to the people I forgot to include in my list of people to give presents to.

Yes, that's right. My friend gave me shaving cream. And I'm willing to bet that I'm the same friend she forgot to put on her list. I really don't mind her forgetting all about me. I know she got as much friends on myspace and fling as I do. We're bound to forget about each other. But shaving cream? That's just fuckin' stupid.


Andrea said...

Shaving cream!!!? What the...!! It's so obvious that was used for shaving. Geez! Maybe she's just making fun of you that's all! :)

Lisa Bender said...

Shaving cream. You chicks! Even I, a fashion model, isn't that insensitive.

the french dreamer said...

I just don't want to wake up one day that December 25 is a day that we just have to go through like any other day of the year, that would be too depressing...

grace said...

Shaving cream? good thing, my friends knows what I want this Christmas...I gave all of them my wish try it next Christmas..Ü

----- said...

Talk about a crappy Christmas! However, the good thing is that you haven't really experienced a crappy Christmas unless you're a homeless bastard. And what's with Barbie and shaving cream? I didn't know Barbie needs to shave! :D